2022 in review – PaperKite Newsletter February 2023

Happy New Year!

2022 was a big year for PaperKite. We’ve welcomed 12 new faces to our growing team. We launched a new leadership structure so that each PaperKiter is now supported by their Discipline Lead AND a People Coach. We finalised our new strategic plan and redefined our brand strategy. We’ll be sharing more about what this means for the work we do, who we partner with, and how we will strive to use our digital expertise to uplift people – soon! Until then, here are a few of our 2022 highlights:

ImpactLab Discovery Work

ImpactLab is on a mission to ensure that every dollar invested in the charities sector is used as effectively as possible. Last year PaperKite worked with ImpactLab on an intensive discovery project to identify ways technology could enable them to help more organisations to do good without compromising their ability to form meaningful professional relationships with each client. Working closely together, we defined the problems ImpactLab needed to solve in order to scale, explored what their clients most valued from their interactions with the ImpactLab team, and defined some technology-based and non-tech solutions that will help ImpactLab to grow without compromising on the quality of their work and relationships.

bp Trusted Partnership

PaperKite has been working on the BPMe product since the very beginning and there’s no sign of slowing down. BP are always looking for ways to improve the experience for their customers which is probably the reason why the app sits at a 4.9/5 stars with nearly 27k reviews on the App Store! It’s been an electrifying past 12 months with a tonne of the insightful discovery work as well as multiple successful promotion launches, including a promo called ‘One, Two, Free’ which saw BPMe as the #1 free app in New Zealand for both the App Store and Google Play Store. 

With all that being said, PaperKite also pride ourselves on the effort to keep the app humming away smoothly, delivering some significant platform upgrades to improve development efficiency, application responsiveness and system stability. Ahead of the fuel price surge period in March 2022, customers rushed to BP to buy fuel. The BPMe app saw an increase in transactions by 3x the normal amount. PaperKite were able to successfully maintain systems responsiveness and stability throughout.

We launched the second annual Mobile Experience & Tech Survey!

If you build mobile offerings (e.g: mobile apps) or have responsibility for mobile offerings within your business, please support us by clicking the link below and completing a survey. It takes no longer than 4 mins, we promise.

We crunched the numbers. In 2022 we achieved...

36 Discovery Workshops.

PaperKite Discovery workshops save precious time and money by rapidly illuminating an idea’s potential and identifying the best way to proceed.

34 Mobile releases

We helped BP release a promo for BPMe called ‘One, Two, Free’ which saw BPMe as the #1 free app in New Zealand for both the App Store and Google Play Store.

86 user research interviews conducted

81% of respondents to our 2021 Mobile Experience Report noted that customer experience is important to their organisation. It remained a priority in 2022.

67 Miro boards created

Virtual collaboration is more important than ever for us and our clients alike.

26.6kgs of coffee beans consumed

That’s about 3,380 single-shot coffees! 

Don’t forget to complete our Mobile Experience & Tech Survey!

Once responses are gathered, we generate a report with the findings. The report answers questions like: 

  • How often do other organisations perform user research to improve their offerings? 
  • Are other organisations taking opportunities to incorporate Indigenous knowledge, experience, tools, and skills in their mobile offerings? 
  • How many other organisations are prioritising accessibility when it comes to mobile experience?

You can opt in to being the first to see the report when it’s released in the next few months.

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